Our bookish community, who know us as trustworthy traditional publishers, might not be aware that we do self publish writers too! Traditional publishing and self-publishing under one roof, one might ask. Yes, indeed! This is why: There are a lot of decision-making factors in the written world, such as cost estimates, market share, distribution commission... and so sometimes really creative manuscripts get overlooked because of these things. We don't see any problem with turning to self-publishing if you know the value of your work. In fact, we rather advocate it at certain times. The world might have never seen these gems, if the writers hadn't thought to go ahead and shoot their own shot! Here are 8 famous books that were actually self-published... 1. FIFTY SHADES OF GREY - E.L. JAMES Alright, so we understand it's not everyone's cup of literary merit. Author E.L. James believed she was on to something nonetheless, and she self-published the first Fifty ...